How to Check Tire Pressure

How to check tire pressure

One way to ensure that your vehicle is performing at its very best is to perform routine tire pressure checks. Many drivers overlook the importance of having proper pressure in their vehicle’s tires. The truth is that tire pressure contributes to a vehicle’s fuel efficiency, steering, and overall performance. At Bob Moore Auto Group, we want our customers to enjoy their vehicles for many years to come, which is why we recommend air pressure checks on a regular basis.

Guide to Checking Your Tire’s Air Pressure

Before you begin checking your tire’s pressure, you should make sure you have a few items at your disposal. You will need a pen and paper, a tire pressure gauge (digital or standard), and an air compressor. You can purchase your own portable air compressor from an auto store, but many drivers choose to use the ones found at gas stations. It is also recommended to perform the test on cold tires, which usually refers to tires that have recently been driven on at a moderate speed for less than a mile. You will need to know the manufacturer’s recommended PSI before you begin the test. This information can be found in your owner’s manual, or you can ask a qualified professional. PSI stands for “pounds per square inch” of pressure. Write down the recommended PSI, making sure to specify the tire if the recommended PSI differs between the front and rear tires.

Once everything is ready, you can get started on one of your tires by removing the valve cap. Take the pressure gauge and place it on the valve stem and press down firmly. You will know it is secure when you no longer hear a hissing sound, and a reading appears on the gauge. With a digital gauge, the reading will appear on a screen. When using a standard gauge, a bar will be pushed out from the bottom by air pressure. Repeat the checking process for each tire and make sure to write down the PSI as you go along.

If you find that any of your tires have low pressure, use the air compressor to refill them. Read the directions of the air compressor before you get started. Repeat the checking process to make sure you filled each tire to the desired level.

How Often Should I Check My Tire’s Air Pressure?

A good rule of thumb when it comes to the frequency of tire pressure checks is to repeat the process monthly. It is also a good idea to do a quick visual check of your tires before you get behind the wheel. It is possible for damage to occur to your tires in between your routine pressure checks, so paying attention to the way your tires look is always recommended.

Your vehicle’s tires need to be in good condition to avoid costly repairs or even accidents. Regular air pressure checks will give you peace of mind that you are safe out on the road. To learn more, contact one of the service departments at Bob Moore Auto Group.